Create a PostgreSQL DataBase on AWS EC2 Instance.

Rukmal Senavirathne
2 min readJul 13, 2024


Chosen the Ubuntu instance. The instance type is t2.small. Created it within a private subnet, and the public IP is disabled. Create a new Key-Pair for the Instance to SSH from the local machine.

After launching an Instance SSH into the instance.

  1. Install PostgreSQL
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

2. Start PostgreSQL Server

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

3. Start the Postgres command-line tool

sudo -u postgres psql

4. Create a User

CREATE USER yourusername WITH PASSWORD 'yourpassword';

5. Create a DataBase

CREATE DATABASE yourdatabase;

6. Grant all access to your user to the created database.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE yourdatabase TO yourusername;

7. Edit the Postgres server configuration file

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/postgresql.conf

And change listen_addresses = ‘*’. By default, Postgres only listens for localhost which means it only listens for local connections. After changing listen_addresses to “*” then it allows remote connections.

8. Edit the pg_hba (Host-Based Authentication) configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf

Add the following configuration,

host <your_database> <your_user> md5 means any IP address this not recommended. You can strict this by mentioning specific IP addresses.<your_machine_ip>/32.

9. After all the changes restart your postgreSQL server.

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

I have Downloaded dvdrental database to use that database as my database.

10. Copy data to your server

scp -i <name_of_the_pem>.pem <path_to_file>/dvdrental.tar ubuntu@<server_ip>:/home/ubuntu

11. Restore the database

pg_restore -U postgres -d <your_db_name> dvdrental.tar

12. Navigate to psql command-line,

sudo -u postgres psql

Execute some SQL queries to verfi



Rukmal Senavirathne
Rukmal Senavirathne

Written by Rukmal Senavirathne

Senior Software Engineer at GTN. Graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Moratuwa.

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